Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC)
Junior Clerk Examination - Download Admit Card
Schedule of The Examination:
The examination will be held on 28th January, 2018 (Sunday)
The exam will be conducted in two different timings. One from 10.00am to 12.30pm and another one 02.00pm to 05.00pm.
1. Visit this official site: http://www.osssc.gov.in/Public/Login.aspx
2. Input your User name and Password along with security code and click on LOGIN.
3. After login search for "Download Admission Letter" option.
4. Click on that link to download your admit card pdf.
(For the Written Test of JUNIOR CLERK-2017)
1. You must bring the Admission Letter with you while entering into the examination hall/room and produce the same as and when required.
2. Your candidature for the aforesaid Test/s is purely provisional and subject to rejection/ elimination in case you are found ineligible in course of time.
3. Mistake or discrepancy, if any, in the Admission Letter should be brought to the notice of the Commission without loss of time sufficiently before the date of Test/s.
4. In case the Admission Letter issued/downloaded does not bear your photograph in the space provided, you must establish your identity by showing any valid Photo Identity Card, affix your recent coloured passport size self-attested photograph on the Admission Letter and hand over another self-attested photograph to the Invigilator for affixture on the Attendance Sheet failing which you shall be summarily disqualified from the recruitment process.
5. In the event of the Admission Letter being used by another person for securing admission to the examination, the onus lies upon you to prove that you are not guilty of impersonation.
6. You shall be allowed to take the examination only at the Centre specified in the Admission letter and the programme of Test/s.
7. You must not enter into the examination hall/room with any Cell Phone/Calculator/ other electronic
devices/books, scripts, notes/loose paper/ pager etc. In case you are found in possession of the same during the examination, you shall be disqualified from the examination without any enquiry whether the same was/were used by you or not. However, you must bring your own Blue/Black ball point Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Instrument Box.
8. You shall not be admitted to the examination hall/room after half an hour of commencement of the examination nor shall you be ordinarily allowed to leave the hall/room till completion of each sitting of the Examination. Under no circumstance you will be allowed to leave the hall/room with the Answer Sheet.
9. You should not
(a) talk to another in the examination hall/room, or
(b) copy from any source or attempt to adopt unfair means, or
(c) possess any written material in your person or clothing on or about your seat, or
(d) cause or attempt to cause any disturbance in the examination hall/room, or
(e) be of unruly behaviour, or
(f) impersonate anybody in the examination hall/room. If you are found canvassing or adopting any of these malpractices inside the Examination Hall/Room, your candidature shall be liable to be rejected.
10. Smoking, having eatables or being in a state of intoxication in the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
11. You must abide by the Instructions printed in this Admission Letter and on the cover page of the Question Booklet/OMR Answer Sheet and any further instructions which may be conveyed by the Centre Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent/Invigilator in the Examination Centre through Notice Board or pronouncement. If you fail to observe any of the instructions, you shall be liable to be disqualified or debarred from the examination as well as future examinations for employment or may be imposed with any other penalty prescribed under the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (District Cadre)Rules, 2012.
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