Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Top 2000 candidates of -- Annual HSC Examination 2016 Conducted by the -- Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack for award of "PATHANI SAMANTA MATHEMATICS TALENT SCHOLARSHIP" to -- 1000 applicants those who have been admitted in 2016-17.
Govt. of Odisha in the School & Mass Education Department have introduced a new Scholarship namely -- Pathani Samanta Mathematics Talent Scholarship ( PSMTS) for the meritorious students having proficiency in -- Mathematics in respect of the Students reading in Govt., Govt. Aided including Block Grant and recognized Un- Aided -- Odia medium High Schools from the Academic year 2011 -12 . Under this scheme 1000 numbers of Scholarship are to be awarded by the Director, Higher Education, Odisha in each academic year from 2011-12 to the students prosecuting studies in +2 Course basing upon a merit list drawn on the marks secured in Mathematics plus aggregate mark in the -- Annual HSC Examination conducted by the -- Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack. The tenure of the Scholarship is for a period of two years @Rs. 500/per month payable for 10 months in a year, subject to renewal of the Scholarship.
Accordingly and in terms of the guidelines approved by the School and -- Mass Education Department vide Letter No. 4322/SME dtd. 19.02.2013, the Director Higher Education, Odisha invites applications in the prescribed form from the top 1000 Students of the -- Annual HSC Examination 2016 conducted by the -- Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack for award of Pathani Samanta Mathematics Talent Scholarship (PSMTS) to 1000 numbers of Applicants pursuing +2 Courses in academic session 2016-17.
The Application Form should be downloaded and properly filled in duly signed by the applicants and the concerned Principal and be furnished to the Directorate of Higher Education Odisha latest by 25.02.2017 in the following address.
The students may also contact with the Principals of their colleges.
The applicants are required to take print-out of the form and submit the duly filled in form along with required documents in the following address either in person or through Regd. Post / Courier so as to reach the Directorate of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on or before 25.02.2017.
The applicants are required to take print-out of the form and submit the duly filled in form along with required documents in the following address either in person or through Regd. Post / Courier so as to reach the Directorate of Higher Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar on or before 25.02.2017.
Deputy Director (Scholarship)
Directorate of Higher Education,
Odisha, Heads of Department Building,
5th Floor, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Download 2000 Students List
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